The Struggle of Lent


Lent has arrived for the entire Christian world. It is a major transitional time for all of us and unlike Christmas where we just try to be good for externals, we focus at this time on what's inside of us and what needs to change. There are significant parts to Lent. The list is pervasive, if not considered impossible for every one of us. We are not perfect but we feebly try to get better.

The reason we struggle is, we serve a Holy God, who we relate to, because He adopted us, but feel we can never be anything like Him. The wonderful reality is we don't have to be completely like Him, we just have to work at getting better within our hearts. Lent is a 44 day journey into the impossible, accomplished in the reality that He will accept us just as we are, looking at the possibilities within us.

Lent is prayer, reflection, fasting, work, struggle, prayer, tears and climbing a mountain we thought was insurmountable. At the same time we see two things; first we see others on the same journey and we are not alone. We are seeing a glimpse of what this looks like as we see the Ukrainians refugees journeying together, surrounded by all their trials getting to the Promised Land. Be in prayer for all of them as well. Secondly, He walks with us. Hebrews 13:5; 'for God Himself has said, "I will never fail you or abandon you."

I don't think there is a moment when the refugees aren't praying for themselves and those who journey with them. They carry no baggage; they just trudge on to the unknown, knowing God is with them through the journey.

Lent is either blown off by us or it's a hard journey, where we need to decide what in our life needs to be left in the past, and what needs to be gathered together in the new me. 2 Corinthians 5:17:

'Therefore, if anyone is united with the Messiah, he is a new creation - the old has passed; look, what has come is fresh and new!' That is Lent! Both in Ukraine and in our lives and hearts.

I will leave you with the words of the song, "Just As I Am". Click the link below and have a listen.

Just As I Am

Something to think hard about.


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